Power Pages Fundamentals #13: Core Components of Power Pages-Web Pages: Quick Read Series

A web page in Power Pages represents a specific URL and forms the core component of the platform. These web pages are organized in a hierarchical structure through parent and child relationships, creating the site’s map. Specialized components like web files, shortcuts, forums, multistep forms, and blogs derive their URLs from these parent web pages.

Managing Web Pages:

  • Creation and Editing: Web pages can be managed via the Power Pages design studio or the Portal Management app.
  • Steps to Edit:
  1. Open Portal Management app.
  2. Navigate to Content > Web Pages.
  3. Select the web page name to edit.
  4. Update fields as necessary.
  5. Save & Close.

Web Page Attributes:

  • Name: Descriptive name used as the page title.
  • Website: The associated website.
  • Parent Page: The parent web page, except for the Home page.
  • Partial URL: URL path segment for the page, should avoid illegal characters.
  • Page Template: Template used to render the page.
  • Publishing State: Indicates if the page is published or in draft.
  • Display Date: Display-only date for templates.
  • Multistep Form: Multistep form displayed on the page.
  • Title: Optional title for the page.
  • Summary: Short description for navigation elements.
  • Copy: Main HTML content.
  • Hidden from Sitemap: Controls sitemap visibility.
  • Author: Administrative author contact.
  • Display Order: Order relative to other pages with the same parent.
  • Navigation: Web Link Set for navigation links.
  • Enable Tracking: Deprecated feature.

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